
Jul 8, 20167 min read
Colouring in or Colouring out? What’s the value of colouring books?
Communication isn't a core function of colouring books even when people get together in groups. But it is for art.

Jul 5, 20162 min read
I find that spiritual knowledge and understanding sits somewhere near the heart of anything I write, including my biography of Sheila...

Jun 6, 201610 min read
Seeking the Hidden Magdalene and the Beloved Disciple
When hard facts of history become personal symbols of initiation: My hunch is that the figure of Mary Magdalene and her life story plays...

May 29, 20165 min read
The Enigma of Mary Magdalene
This extraordinary woman is at the heart of Marriages of the Magdalene. Yet she was not the inspiration behind my novel – at least not at...

May 11, 20166 min read
‘Poetry In Motion’ In the Different Worlds of Surfing and Dancing
Surfing reminds me of a dance, a pas de deux with the ocean. Yet decribing surfing as 'dance-like' draws attention to why it is not dance.

Apr 29, 20167 min read
We Need the Message of the Triple Spiral
Spirals are universal, in the mathematics of nature and in much of what humans design. For example here is a spiral of branches and...

Mar 29, 20165 min read
Along the River - Pilgrims not Tourists
One of the things I’d like to write about is the imagery I use. I’ll start with the river. The one on the website comes from an oil...

Mar 29, 20166 min read
The Commodification of Beauty
Beauty is very easily commodified beause it is misunderstood