
Mar 31, 20176 min read
What Mary Magdalene Knew - Part One
Could there be a distinctly Magdalene Christianity? And is it relevant today? To answer these questions, I felt the need first to go back...

Aug 19, 20169 min read
Searching for the Celtic Spirit – Part 1
Who were the Celts? Did their spirit endure? There was a quest underlying my journey through Europe in 2015, born from my attraction to...

Jul 8, 20167 min read
Colouring in or Colouring out? What’s the value of colouring books?
Communication isn't a core function of colouring books even when people get together in groups. But it is for art.

Jun 6, 201610 min read
Seeking the Hidden Magdalene and the Beloved Disciple
When hard facts of history become personal symbols of initiation: My hunch is that the figure of Mary Magdalene and her life story plays...

May 11, 20166 min read
‘Poetry In Motion’ In the Different Worlds of Surfing and Dancing
Surfing reminds me of a dance, a pas de deux with the ocean. Yet decribing surfing as 'dance-like' draws attention to why it is not dance.